Monday, January 19, 2009



We are out trying to find a house to live in--but it isn't easy to do here. We have been driving up and down streets in the areas we might want to live in looking for little "For Rent" signs on the gate. Usually there is a telephone number to call and then we call for information on the house. Another method of renting a house is to drive around and find a house you like. Then you contact owner and tell them you would like to rent that house. If the owner of the house does not personally live in the house--it mostly likely is occupied by his relatives. The owner frequently will evict his family (who are living there for free) for someone who will pay rent. Trying to rent a house is an interesting and sometimes frustrating activity--please pray for us to be patient in our search.

All of our personal and work belongings that were left at AFC Home Base while we were in the states are in good condition; OK, so the microwave doesn't work, nor does the air conditioner, but other than that just some mold and dust on everything.

God is so good to us. He has given us so many wonderful blessings and protected our things--we are confident that He will continue to provide our needs.

Please continue to pray for:

  • Mary Kay Jarrett; recovering from a stroke. She is past the critical stage and the doctor said he expected a complete recovery but there is some hard work ahead for her.

  • Our house search

  • Peter, our intern from Lincoln Christian College. Peter is a preaching intern and will arrive in February.

  • The ministry that God has prepared for us to do in the Philippines--and us as we learn where He is leading us.

Thank God:

  • For a happy and joy-filled reunion with our former co-workers at AFC. Many of them were apprehensive to see us--fearing we would be upset with them for the changes in Field Director.

  • The beautiful, sunny weather in Davao City. We were having a struggle with the cold of the mid-west.

  • His Word and Spirit that daily sustains us.