Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Team members building the partitions for the VBS

Rodger helping a class with their burnt match-stick crosses craft.

Steal the Bacon was a new game and enjoyed by all

The first Mathetes Mission Trip began yesterday with a group of 14 working together to share a Vacation Bible School with the children of San Simon Church of Christ. The Barangay (local government) has allowed us to use the community covered basketball court for the VBS. Yesterday walls of flattened and woven bamboo wall panels were built in the shape of an “X” providing 4 teaching areas.
The children of the neighborhood came to the ball court yesterday—a day early—so we had an impromptu time of singing with them. Today 54 children participated in the VBS. Many of the children who came were hungry (this is a very poor area) so tomorrow we will serve peanut butter sandwiches with juice for the snack instead of cookies and juice.
The purpose of the Mission Trip is to assist the local church but more than that it is to challenge the team members to consider God’s call on their lives and how they can be involved in missions. In addition to their teaching assignments, helping with meals, doing their laundry by hand each night, each team member must read one mission biography during the week, attend the class on Biblical Missions and participate in the Individual Devotion time. As they read the biographies of the pioneer missionaries of the past they are already commenting on how they are being challenged to increase their own faith and dependency on God.
Pray this week for: Alma, Cherry, Joy, MayMay, Vincent, Andy, Eddie, Julius, Jaynnie, Lolit, Jezreel, Rodger, Dixie, Mark. Pray that we hear God speaking to each of us through his word.
Pray for the San Simon Church to be faithful in following up the prospects.
Pray for the children to whom we are ministering.