Sunday, October 4, 2009


For the past few months almost all of our time was consumed by the Youth Ministry, but now we finally have a little bit of time to get some other work done. We have been in the Philippines for 21 years and this is first time that Rodger has had time to work in developing a garden. The ground in our front yard is uneven so he is leveling it by hand, one shovel at a time. So far we have 1 squash , 8 basil and 3 tomato plants--not much but it is a beginning. It is relaxation for Rodger who loves to garden and grow things.

At the Youth Center the volumn of kids has seemed to even out--we think that the size of the center is the major factor, you can only put so many people in a room that is 20x20. We are in the process of interviewing applicants with a plan to hire one more staff person. We're looking for someone with a passion for youth ministry, able to lead Bible studies and tutorials. The next semester begins November 1 and we want to have the new employee in place and ready to go by then so we can increase our ability to work with more students. Pray for us to have wisdom and insight as we proceed in this.

Rodger spends one afternoon a week mentoring Eddie, the young man who is doing the administrative work on the team. Pray for their time together to be productive and a blessing for both of them.

Next week Dixie will travel to California and spend a couple of weeks with her sister and mother before Rodger joins her. We will travel to Illinois where we will spend time with Rodger's family and attend the National Missionary Convention in Peoria, Illinois. December will be spent in Tennessee with Beth and North Carolina with Andie and Mark and our four precious grandchildren. Then, in January we will return to the Philippines. (Maxie will stay with Alma at her home--for those of you interested.)

It's time to get going for today--updating financial records, final prep on a brochure.