Sunday, March 14, 2010

We're packing them in!!! Literally??? We have possession of the new building and Saturdays have become work days for the staff and volunteers... Boboy was nailing in some boards and this was the most convenient/comfortable way to hit the nail.... We almost have one room in usable form, which has been our goal, so we can start to move things into "storage" for the summer. The building won't officially open until June 1 but we are planning our last day of activities for the school year to be held in the new building.
As you can see we did have a good crew working and do get a lot accomplished on each Saturday work day. Many hands do truly make light work... but we are all tired by the end of the day. We continue to have baptisms from kids who are in the Bible Studies - as they go thru the lessons, they realize their need and ask to be baptized. We then see them attending Sunday services, and truly changed lives, wanting to share Christ with others.