Sunday, January 16, 2011


Wow, We are sorry it has been so long since we have blogged!

We are back in Digos City. This morning, we were in the Digos City Church for worship and it was a humbling experience to see the increase in the number of youth! About 40 of the 60 that were baptized last year are now active in some part of the ministry of the Church! The others are not "gone" but just not always permitted to be an active part of the ministry by parents, schedules, or such. They need our prayers that their parents will be reached, hearts softened, or encouraged in some way, not discouraged.

I will try to get photos in the future. Ram (some of you may remember the pictures of his baptism on the blog or newsletter) was one of the lead singers in the praise and worship team this morning.

Dixie now has email lists working for updates! If you want to be on that list to receive email updates, please send us your email address to and we will be happy to add you.